Memories of Felix by his Auntie Louisa

Created by Sophie 7 years ago
  • Memories of Felix and things he taught me

    Felix was the first baby in my immediate family I had known. His arrival taught me my first lessons as an adult about caring for another generation within the family rather than as a distant professional. I was one of the younger members of my generation and hadn’t had much opportunity to experience this before. I remember him grasping at my little finger, I remember taking him out for a walk in his pram in Cambridge, I remember how Granny Tinks was so pleased at having a great grandchild.

    I remember his baptism. This was a special family day, a real celebration of a new kind to me. I still have the photo of us all gathered around our precious baby on my mantelpiece.

    I remember him as a little boy. I remember he loved Bob the Builder. I remember being with him in the house in Devon playing a Bob the Builder CD, and we danced to it. If I ever hear that song (not too often thankfully) it reminds me of him.

    I remember him as an older child. I remember camping in the back garden of the house and him helping to entertain Frankie and Zoe. I remember he told me about the CHERUB books which I had never heard of.

    I remember him as a teenager. We were proud of him on his eighteenth birthday and sent him a tie and some cufflinks to celebrate his official maturity. I still have the thankyou message he sent that said “I hope that you are having a nice time wherever you are, just like me”, and that made me smile.

    I remember him when he came to the Christmas celebrations in Norfolk. I remember him playing with the snooker and the pingpong balls game, and amusing the younger ones. I remember we went for a walk, we found a geocache, and he entertained Frankie for a long time, with a guessing game. Frankie remembers a long discussion about sequences. When we asked everyone to say “Happy Christmas” on the video, he chose to say “Happy Hanukkah” instead, with a nonconformity of spirit which appealed to me.

    I remember him as an adult at Ben’s 50th birthday at the National Gallery. He seemed so animated about his new course and I remember thinking how he had grown up over the last year. Frankie remembers he taught her a new joke:
    “Why can’t you hear pterodactyls go to the toilet? Because they have a silent “p”.”
    James found this hilarious.

    I remember him from the chats he made on our family Whatsapp group. I remember that he talked to us about the Moomin Little My costume Zoe was wearing, and that he liked the books. I loved the way he joined in all the funny silly chatter with us all.
I remember his plans for the future; how we planned to visit Harry Potter world together; and that I was looking forward to going with a film fanatic like Felix. I was proud to have him as my nephew.